The easy way – make paneer from cottage cheese

Last weekend, I made paneer makhani again. I am getting addicted to this stuff. Paneer makhani, or paneer butter masala as it’s sometimes called, is really quick to make, makes you feel like a super chef and quite tasty too. I had a half hour to squeeze in cooking between grocery shopping and gardening, and…

The many forms of tourism

S called me in the middle of a busy day.  But that was okay, because I wasn’t doing anything important anyway. I was just busy, which is a completely different thing. “Did you read this NY Times article on this boom in tourism to Mexico?” she asked me. Now, I hadn’t read that NY Times…

A heart-warming story for our times

A darkened synagogue in Midwestern America. Two Americans are praying – one, a neurosurgeon who super-specializes in complex brain surgery involving repairing the brain’s thinnest blood vessels and dissecting tumors. The other, a social worker who lives and works in Ethiopia. What are the chances these two strangers would meet? But they do meet, and…

Movies in a recession

Do people spend more on movies when there is a recession? If they do, why is it so? The New York Times had this interesting observation about the box office collections last week: Overall the Top 10 films took in $134.4 million, according to Screenline. That is about 10 percent higher than the $122 million…

A Haiku tag

I have been meaning to try writing Haiku verse for some time. In a tentative, will-it-bite way, I love Haiku, though I am not sure I can do any good with it. I am too verbose for Haiku, I can never use five syllables if five hundred would do the job instead. But then, Shefaly…

Good neighborliness

For a short time after we moved in, I did not have any immediate neighbors. Now I have the usual complement of “adjacent” neighbors – one on either side. I have never been to either neighbor’s house. With one, we chat every weekend, standing in our respective backyards. Often, we do this while holding (i)…

The secret life of Lekhni

Secrets are supposed to remain, er, under wraps, you know?  Hide in closets, or in dark attics, or wherever they like to hide. The really successful secrets will probably hide in plain sight, but the point is, we never find out what they are. Not any longer. BlueMist has tagged me to reveal ten secrets…

Tornadoes like cats and toilet paper

Tornadoes are cat-lovers.? Why else would a tornado rip off the roof and overturn sofas, but leave the cat’s bowl untouched?? The same tornado also likes to play with toilet paper. Perhaps this was a teenage tornado then? Adolescent anger and all that?

Six rules for air hostesses

How does an air hostess’s weight matter ? Of course it’s vital, as any airlines will tell you. Air hostesses must be slim and young and pretty. Never mind if they are not courteous or speak such poor English that they do not understand what “toast” means. That’s not what their job is about anyway.…

What I am reading now

I hope you are curious about what I read. For that’s what this post is all about. Neha tagged me to do a book tag. You can see that she has been trying to read everything except that tome on Local and Regional development which she needs for her exams. Not that I blame her…

It is raining small cars

General Motors is going to close four plants making SUVs and pick-up trucks. It may even sell off the Hummer brand. GM’s main rival, Ford has already announced that it will stop assembling pick-up trucks in its Mexican plant, and build a sub-compact car called Fiesta there instead. It is also eliminating one shift in…